Regenerative medicine is the process of replacing or regenerating human cells, tissues or organs to restore or establish normal function. It can be used for many things by many different techniques. It can benefit many different people in many different ways. Regenerative medicine replaces/repairs tissues that the body cannot repair on its own. This includes things such as organs like kidneys; if one needs to be removed we may be able to replace/repair it. Regenerative medicine can save lives and be a lot more useful than average people may think it is.
Thursday, February 9, 2017
Nuclear medicine
Nuclear medicine has become fundamentally life-saving as a diagnostic tool in today’s medicine, however exposure to radioisotopes has risks. Understanding these risks and making an educated decision is crucial in personal choices regarding medical treatment. This overview of recent and relevant research provides an insight and support to the benefits of radioisotope usage, whilst presenting the associated risks. ? INTRODUCTION: With the discovery of radioisotopes in 1934, and the production of radionuclides in 1946, the world has witnessed a major growth and evolution in the field of Nuclear Medicine.
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